Friday, December 13, 2024

Warmaster Revolution: The final Battles for Albion and Warmaster as Multiplayer-Game

Last Saturday saw the conclusion of our small Warmaster campaign ‘War of Albion’.
The day started with smaller battles with 1000 points per player - Demons vs. Chaos, Chaos vs. Orcs & Goblins and Empire vs. Araby.

The highlight of the day and the campaign would then be the final decisive battle - 3000 points Empire & Araby against 3000 points Demons, Orcs & Goblins and Chaos on a 3.20m x 1.20m gaming table.
Warmaster as a multiplayer was indeed new to all of us and we were excited to see if and how it would work - and right from the start: it worked like a charm.

So my demon horde met a force of chaos to settle once and for all who was boss:

The troops have taken up positions, with Helmut's Chaos force in the foreground; my demons have positioned themselves on one flank to support each other.

4 Demon Hordes and a unit of Flyers led by my "Papa Nurgle" himself.

My small mobile brigade - Demon Hounds and Demon Cavalry led by a Sorcerer trying to out-flank the hard hitting Chaos infantry.

Chaos immediately push forward with their infantry brigades ...

... but luckily 2 successful Demon Blasts from both Papa Nurgle and my Sorcerer (generating 4 hits all in all!) later the leading brigade has been split - the Chaos Warriors lost a stand, has been pushed back and are Confused now!

But the Chaos horde was bursting with confidence and one turn later the other infantry brigade advanced - completely unimpressed by the superiority they faced!
However, it ran out of steam and came to a halt just before the phalanx of demons (it failed its command roll to charge)!

Nothing could hold the demons back now, all rushed forward to show Chaos that their gods stood under the Great Nurgle.
The infantry clashed head-on, with the daemons bringing their superior numbers to bear and Demon Hounds and cavalry crashing into the enemy's open flanks.

The Chaos Brigade was completely wiped out, and with it the Chaos General - the remaining Chaos hordes subsequently retreated, leaving the battlefield to the victorious Daemons.

And now for the highlight of the day, the multiplayer battle.
The scenario was a variant of ‘Battle for the Tower’ - in addition to the central object (the demon idol), there was another object on each flank that had to be captured and held.

Demons, Orcs&Goblins and Chaos deployed on the right side, Empire and Araby on the left and as they had lost the Scouting Phase had to deploy first.

My demons were to advance with vigour on our left flank, as the enemy had positioned themselves very sparsely here and their units had difficulty supporting each other.

Our centre was covered by the Orcs&Goblins, an impressive sight for the opponent due to their sheer numbers alone.

The Chaos troops would have to hold our right flank - no easy task, as Araby would attack there with the bulk of his numerically superior force.

That's what my demons faced - several brigades of Desert Riders and Bowmen from Araby, plus Pistoliers from the Empire.

The opposing centre, also an imposing sight - the full might of the Empire.

And on the left flank of our opponents, Araby went on the attack - with Magic Carpets, Elephants and whatever else a general's heart could desire.

Demons pouring over the hill, led by the Great Unclean.

After defeating the isolated Brigade of Desert Rider, the Demons could concentrate nearly all their might on the on the unfortunate brigade of archers who had occupied the edge of the forest, but were now being attacked frontally and in the flanks by a superior force.

Once the forest had been cleared, the demons continued their relentless charge and emerged in the flank and rear of the Empire, which was now forced to regroup its forces in the centre, finally giving the hard-pressed Orcs&Goblins some breathing space.

And so the Orcs&Goblins could finally take and hold the Demon Idol on the hill in the centre.

The Araby Wizard accompanied by a Djinn. He and a unit of Magic Carpets caused havoc and destroyed many of the hard-hitting Chaos units - a real curse of their own.

Last stages of the battle - the last counter-attacks of the Empire to recapture the Demon Idol failed ...

... even though Araby managed to kill den Chaos Generals - it was just too late.

The game ended with a really close victory for the force of Demons, Orcs&Goblins and Chaos, as we were also only just 1.5 points away from our breakpoint.

And so a fantastic day came to an end, bringing our little ‘War of Albion’ campaign to an end.
We fought hard but laughed a lot more with each other and Warmaster Revolution also works very well as a multiplayer game.

Friday, November 29, 2024

Warmaster Revolution: Slann Mage Palanquin

A small preview of an upcoming project in 2025 - I will be starting another army for Warmaster Revolution: Lizardmen!

First ‘test’ is a Slann Mage on his Palanquin, carried by his bodyguard of Saurus warriors.

This little vignette is 3D printed, the STL is from Forest Dragon.
The two larger plants are cheap aquarium plants that I completely repainted, if only to give them an unnatural ‘plastic look’.

More to follow ... next 2025 😂

Thursday, November 21, 2024

Warmaster Revolution: Pink and Blue Horrors

As the next day of our Albion Campaign is approaching fast, as always I wanted to have at least one newly painted unit completed by the time I not only have 2000 points (without counting magic items etc.), but can also vary the setup, i.e. ultimately about 2500 points of units and characters.
In the end, there were two units - one each of Pink Horrors and Blue Horrors.

The miniatures are self-printed and the STLs from Tordo Miniatures again. They paint up very well and have fantastic details - highly recommended if you are looking for 10mm Demons.

And here are the pictures of both units:

Monday, November 18, 2024

Big CoC BatRep: Probe towards Gela

Our monthly CoC game happened on last Saturday, again a Big CoC with 4 players.

Two Italian platoons (one of Fucileri played by me and one of Bersaglieri played by Max) were ordered to probe (Scenario "The Probe") forward to test the defences manned by a mixture of US Paras (commanded by Dodo) and supported by US Armored (commanded by Bernhard).

The patrols of both sides fought to get the best positions with the Italians trying to avoid the orchards on their left flank because of the increased effect the US 60mm mortars would have there and instead attack with force on the right flank while securing the village located on the dominating hill as a strongpoint.

The US boys ended up holding both flanks with the idea of creating a killing zone in the center but overlooked the problem of only being able to support each other with great difficulty as the killing zone would apply to the as well in this case as soon as the Italians occpied the village.
The Italians instead hat the advantage of the "Inner Line" as Napoleon would have called it 😎

In the foreground both Para platoons deployed in the orchards going on Overwatch in case the Italians should want to push down from the hill while the Fucileri had moved as quick as possible to enter the village with one platoon while protecting the left flank with the other platoon supported by an 20mm Oerlikon.

Closer look at the postions of the Paras in the orchards.

On the other flank both the Bersaglieri and the Armored Infantry push forward into the citrus plantation, the latter one supported by an 3,7cm gun.

But the Bersaglieri have support too - a cannone da 65/17.

One platoon of Fucileri entered the houses ready to provide fire support to either the Bersaglieri or their comrades in the vineyard.

All the while the Paras don´t move at all - maybe they are enjoying the apples to much?

So the Fucileri have time to prepare their position to fight off upcoming attacks of them.

In the meantime on the other flank the Bersaglieri pushed forward supported by the fire of the LMGs of the Fucileri - the mortar in the background was wiped out as a result and shortly after the LMG squad of the Armored was nearly pinned. As a consequnce the Commander of the Armored had to use his dice to restore order instead of fielding more of his badly needed squads still waiting for their deployment.

The LMG squad got badly mauled even more while the Bersaglieri are able to concentrate their fire on the isolated squad in front of them with foreseeable consequences.

The US Paras have finally decided to attack the positions of the Fucileri to release some pressure from the Armored Infantry.

However, the attack comes to a standstill in the defensive fire of the Fucileri and the Paras have to retreat with heavy losses.

Even though it looked like a clear victory for the Italians in the end, it was a hard-fought game that could easily have gone in the Allies' favour with only a few different dice results - typical CoC, you should never be too sure that you have victory in the bag.

Monday, October 7, 2024

15mm Painting: US Engineers to support my Armoured and Airborne troops

The gaps in the missing figures for my US Boys are getting smaller and smaller, but what I was definitely still missing were the various Engineer Troops.

I had already printed these last year (STLs are from 3D Breed), but they always had to take a back seat to other projects.
After the TaToCon, however, there were no more excuses and after all the terrain building I really felt like painting again 💪

The complete squad of Engineers including a NCO (Junior Leader for CoC).

Flame Thrower Team:
Who called for a barbecue? 🔥

Wire Cutting Team:
Just wire, we'll have that in a moment

Demolition Team:
If you can´t fix it, blow it up!

Mine Sweeping Team:
The gold must be buried around here somewhere!