Monday, September 2, 2024

CoC BatRep: Operation Husky or Holidays under palm trees, they said!

Our next CoC game was also the test setup for the TaToCon on September 28th at Roll-the-dice as far as the terrain is concerned - looking good so far and beside some minor addons like gardens for the houses, now only the vineyards are missing.

The Battle

After the failure to recapture Gela, the Axis forces are in retreat and offer stubborn resistance to the advancing Americans.

A platoon of the 4ª Divisione fanteria ‘Livorno’ under the command of Tenente Ludovico Spadaro is ordered to reconnoitre the surroundings of an inconspicuous village which, however, controls an important branch of a road that follows a valley further into the interior of Sicily.

Unfortunately, the Allied high command had the same idea and so the Italians (Force Morale 8), slightly disillusioned by the retreat, came up against a highly motivated platoon of the 2nd Armoured (Force Morale).

The field of battle ...

... and seen from the side of the Italians

The US Boys advance resolutely and are able to secure the village from the Italians and from here advance against the Italian positions in the plantations with an LMG squad and a squad of infantry.

Another squad of Armoured, reinforced by the platoon's 60mm mortar, takes up position in an olive grove opposite the Italians. A medic has also joined them.

Tenente Spadaro gives orders to his 2nd Squad to bypass the enemy in the olive grove and attack its left flank, as a frontal attack across the open road in the valley would be suicidal - in a sprint, the road is crossed under cover of the forest, out of sight of the Americans.

He personally commands the 1st Squad, which takes up position in a orchard of date palms.

In addition, a forward observer takes up position and reports any enemy positions detected to his own artillery battery.

A few minutes later, the first volley hits the enemy and is immediately on target - medics and 60mm mortars fall victim to further artillery strikes shortly afterwards.

A real blow to the morale of the Americans!

However, the 1st Squad of the ‘Livorno’ platoon is coming under increasing pressure and the Armoured are using their dreaded ‘Marching Fire’ tactics relentlessly

Fortunately for the Italians, they are better able to absorb losses due to their mass, especially as their officers and NCOs are spared, while on the American side one leader after another is either injured or even killed.

And when the 2nd Livorno Squad finally appears at the edge of the forest and is able to join the battle, the morale of the Armored collapses for the day and they retreat ... After all, tomorrow is another day.

A really damn exciting game that swung back and forth, which is why I can't show as many photos this time - I'd mostly just forgotten about it because I had to concentrate so much on the action on the table

Incidentally, we swapped sides for this game - Max played my Armored and I played his Fucileri; the latter require a very unique style of play, but I really enjoyed them!
The downside is that now I want to paint Italians 😂


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