Monday, September 30, 2024

TaToCon 11 in Puchheim, near Munich

The last few days and weeks have been dominated by the final preparations for our Chain of Command Participation Game at TaToCon 11 in Puchheim, organised by Roll-the-dice, which took place last Saturday.

There were many beautiful and lovingly designed tables to marvel at and, as always, you didn't get to test any of the games on offer as you could hardly get away from your own table - there was hardly any time for more than a chat with your fellow players.

We were able to offer some games of CoC to take part and received nothing but positive feedback and our gaming group will include a few more players in the future - an extremely positive result!
There was even no opportunity to play CoC for myself, as I was busy running and umpiring our games all the time, but I had a lot of fun anyway as all the players were relaxed throughout the day.

And here are a few pictures of TaToCon 11, without any claim to completeness and starting with our own table for Chaim of Command:

One of our CoC games in full progress.

Muskets & Tomahawks

Hail Caesar putting Persians vs. Macedonians

Vietnam using Bolt Action

Impressive Pyramid, completely scratchbuild from styrofoam!

Rules used were Mythic Americas (Warlords of Erehwon)

Cinematic skirmish rules - Ghostbusters included!

Samurai skirmish with functional waterfall


SciFi on the Moon


Another SciFi board

Last but not least Barons War presented by Bernhard!

A wonderful day with great tables and nice people that was over far too quickly - Max and I will definitely be back at TaToCon12 next year!


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