Friday, September 13, 2019

Terrain: Battlemat and terrain pieces for SAGA

For our games of SAGA, I have once again expanded my terrain collection - on the one hand a new battlemat made of acrylic and on the other some (wheat) fields, woodland and rocky terrain.

For the rocky terrain pieces, I have kept one of it more traditional (just some rocks :-D ) and interpreted the other one more freely: a burial in ship form - as you can still find them today in some parts northern Germany and above all Scandinavia

The fields are made from teddy fur to get some practice for a large gamingmat made from this stuff - one of the advantages of this material is that it adapts well to contours, as one can see in the pictures.

Gaming mat as wip - just the acryl with mixed in sand and some first drybrushed highlights after it was dry:

The finished mat with the grass flocked on as last step:

And the smaller version for the Sweetwater-Forum:



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