Sunday, October 13, 2019

Peninsular War: In the footsteps of Richard Sharpe

As every wargamer knows, one can not have enough projects running in parallel and that's the way it is with me - so without further ado:
On to the Peninsular War.

At our regular SAGA games, a friend of me and I realized that we are both fans of the Napoleonic era and decided to start a project together.

The choice fell on the Peninsular War - on the one hand, the battles / fights there always had a much more manageable size than those of the other theaters of war, on the other hand we want to get into small skirmishes first and who does not think directly of Sharpe's Rifles, with many of the episodes just perfect for an implementation as a scenario.

Accordingly, we will start with the mini Skirmish "Shootout in Dingstown", going to "Sharp Practice" and to the final destination "Black Powder".
Advantage of this approach is simple, that you have something playable together in no time and even if SiD is actually a Western Skirmish, it can be easily adjusted, it is fast and you have a lot of fun.

My fiend takes over the part of the French and accordingly the other side fell to me and here I first painted a few guerrillas (miniatures are all Front Rank) - amazing figures, I think.
And with these 7 figures you are ready for SiD and yesterday my men already had their baptism of fire ;-)

Smaller versions for the german Sweetwater:


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