Sunday, July 9, 2023

AAR: Operation Husky with Chain of Command: US Airborne vs. Italian Fucileri

Yesterday I finally had the opportunity to play Chain of Command again.

I could field my US Airborne and my gaming partner mustered his platoon of Italian Fucileri.
This resulted in the only possible setting: Operation Husky, the Allied landing on Sicily in 1943.

It was his first CoC game and we chose scenario 1 to start with: The Patrol.
I had an additional bazooka team at my disposal in addition to my platoon, and the Italians would be supported by an L3 tankette.

Since my terrain mat for the Mediterranean is not ready yet, the mat for the Normandy Games had to suffice, which of course has far too many rich shades of green

Somewhere in Sicily in a (very) fertile valley with wheat fields, lined with date palm plantations and olive groves.

The inhabitants of the small village do not yet know that shots are about to shatter the silence of the morning.

The sun is just rising ...

One squad of my Airborne, supported by a Bazooka team and their 60mm mortar fight it out agains a full squad of Fucileri.

While the other squad of Fucileri take the village itself and entrench there.

My 2nd squad cautiously approaches the village using the olive grove as cover.

The L3 is nearing. A few moments later it will reach the center of the village and triggers an ambush of my 2nd Bazooka team (using a CoC Dice).

Although the Italians can hold the village, the losses and shocks accumulated during the fight are too much for the platoon in the olive grove on the hill: it breaks and rout from the table (turn ended).

With the loss of their complete left flank, the Force Morale of the Italians dropped to 0 and they had to retreat accordingly.


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