Sunday, June 9, 2024

"Hell on Wheels" - US 2nd Armored Division in 15mm: Half-Tracks M3A1, M16 MGMC and M15 CGMC

With these 3 vehicles now done, my Armoured Infantry and Parachute Infantry now have even more support options available.

All models, crews and passengers are from Battlefront Miniatures 15mm range.

I particularly like the passengers for the M3A1, which are superbly modelled and almost too good to be barely visible in the half-track itself.
Two of them are shown taking a little nap - with a few more of this I'll create a little diorama to use as a jump off point for Chain of Command.

M16 MGMC, M15 CGMC, M3A1

M3A1 and the passengers

Take a nap when ever you can ...




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