Friday, June 28, 2024

Game Marker for CoC, 'O'-Group and Battlegroup: Sections of Barbed Wire in 15mm

After completing the markers for Minefields the next ones we needed for our games were some sections of Barbed Wire.

Measuring 6" x 2" using cocktail sticks cut to length for the posts and Security Wire to represent the barbed wire.
In addition to normal sections, I also built 3 destroyed sections of these barbed wire entanglements, which were either destroyed by artillery/mortar fire, tanks driving through them, or by pioneers with wire cutters.

And a closer look at the destroyed sections:

Some pics of the WiP stage


  1. What are the dimensions of your barbed wire sections, if I may ask?

    1. 6" by 2", as I described in the text ;-)

    2. Ok, I completely missed that. Still so not used to this Inches stuff. Thx!

    3. No roblem at all ;-)

      If you prefer the metric system (like me) - that would be 15cm by 5cm.
