Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Warmaster Revolution: Demon Temple with a Dimension Gate

At the moment I'm in a kind of terrain-building mood, so next up is a completely self-made Temple including a Dimension Gate for my Warmaster demons.

Styrodur, MDF, cork litter and lots of Mode Podge form the basis, followed by turf, tufts and ivy for the details.

The great thing is that this temple can also be used in other settings and even other scales too.
For example, it could be a Stargate in a sci-fi setting (I'm going to print and paint a suitable terminal for this version soon).
On the other hand, the temple itself can also be used as a ruin in historical settings - the dimension gate is fixed to the base with a magnet and could therefore be replaced by a statue of a god, for example.

For size comparison - some of my Demons spawned from the new gate!

And here are following some pictures from the WiP stage:


  1. That's an awesome piece, and all scratch built. Wow!
