Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Chain of Command AAR: Operation Husky - Encounter at Cotomino

Max and me had another great game of Chain of Command last Saturday.

After the defeat at San Leo the depleted US units were replaced by fresh troops and the advance resumed in order to finally break out of the beachhead at Gela.
In order to look for another route into mainland Sicily, a platoon of Parachute Infantry was tasked to conducting armes reconnaissance.

This platoon encountered advancing Bersaglieri at Cotomina, who had order to reconnoitre American troop movements detected by the Axis and a skirmish battle developed (Scenario 1 "The Probe").

All quiet in and around Cotomino ... at least for now.

But then the vanguards meet and a bloody combat with heavy losses for both sides ensues.

A squad of Parachute Infantry advances through an orchard of apple trees ...

... and takes up position behind a dry-stone wall.

The second squad covers the left flank and tries to hold down the enemy in the village.

The forward squad suffers heavy casualities even if behind hard cover ...

... as more and more Bersaglieri try to dislodge them with all the fire power they can muster.

But somehow the manage to survive and hold this isolated position and thus enable the other squad to push forward.

The Bersaglieri suffered badly too especially losing leaders and with leaders wounded or even killed their Force Morals drops at an alarming rate.

With a last assault at the village the US Airborne finally managed to dislodge the Bersaglieri and they had to retreat.

This was a very close fight after all:
The Parachute Infantry had suffered so many losses that their Force Moral was down to 3 when the Bersaglieri had to quit the field - one more Roll for losses and it would have been a draw as you need a Force Moral of 3+ to win.

I made several mistakes, which fortunately were not penalised:
Firstly, the foremost position, heavy cover to or fro, was far too isolated.
If Max hadn't attacked sporadically, but had utilised the numerical superiority of his Bersaglieri, this position would have become untenable and the squad would have been worn down much earlier in the game and not only when it was already too late, because my other squad had advanced into the village in the meantime.

Secondly, I committed way too early in the game and deployed my second squad - part of the downside of having a platoon of only 2 squads and not enough support points to deploy another squad.
Max knew early on what I was planning and it was too far away to support the other platoon.

Another game that could tip one way or the other in terms of victory right up to the final minute.

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Game Marker for CoC, 'O'-Group and Battlegroup: Minefields

As I need some more game marker, I started a little project to make them - first are marker for minefields in two versions: German and an Allied ones.

Used popsicle sticks that are nearly perfectly 6" long - it´s much more flexible how to lay down the Minefields on the gaming table this way.

And here some impressions from the WiP stage:

Friday, June 14, 2024

Band of Brothers. 101st Airborne in 15mm: Reinforcements to field a 3rd Squad

I have restructured (and rebased some of them) my US Parachute Infantry a bit among other things and so all my Junior Leaders are based separately now.

In the course of this I painted a few reinforcements and can use them now to field a 3rd squad - as additional support for our games on Sicily, or to be able to represent the new formation of the US Airborne platoons with now 3 squads from Market Garden onwards.

Miniatures are all from Battlefront Miniatures.

And a few pictures from the WiP stage:

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Sunday, June 9, 2024

"Hell on Wheels" - US 2nd Armored Division in 15mm: Half-Tracks M3A1, M16 MGMC and M15 CGMC

With these 3 vehicles now done, my Armoured Infantry and Parachute Infantry now have even more support options available.

All models, crews and passengers are from Battlefront Miniatures 15mm range.

I particularly like the passengers for the M3A1, which are superbly modelled and almost too good to be barely visible in the half-track itself.
Two of them are shown taking a little nap - with a few more of this I'll create a little diorama to use as a jump off point for Chain of Command.

M16 MGMC, M15 CGMC, M3A1

M3A1 and the passengers

Take a nap when ever you can ...